Blackberry's BH Tissot
1st Generation
D.O.B. 03/14/2019
79.45% Nubian/20.55% Nigerian
G6S Normal By Parentage

Blackberry's BP After Party
2nd Generation
D.O.B. 04/15/2019
76.56% Nubian/23.44% Nigerian
Wooden-Bridge Pigman's Legacy
PB Nubian
DOB 03/04/2019
2019 GCH LVDGA ( Baden )

Green Eggers Farm
CA Blackberry's Goat Herd
Pure Bred Nubians, Nigerian Dwarfs, Mini Nubians
2019/20 Breeding Plan
Taking Reservations Now
If you’re interested in placing a reservation please email us to have your name placed on our waiting list. Once the doe of your choice kids you will be contacted, and have 24 hours to accept and deposits must be received within 48hrs of notification. Kid will need to be picked up within 14 days of deposit, any kid that needs to stay more than 14 is subject to a board and care fee of $10 per day. All kids will be bottle raised. Breeder has the right to retain any kid at their discretion. Breeding Pair subject to change at anytime. Air Transport is the preferred options for kids especially across states lines. Buyer is responsible for all transport costs ( crates, airline tickets, health certificate, etc ).
SG Urban Acres Charming Troubadour +*B
GCH Urban Acres Ken's Panamerica
CA Blackberry's SYS Cassie
CA Blackberry's ai Ginger Root
CA Blackberry's UD Katerpillar
Blackberry's BH Shakespeare's Juliet
Blackberry's SnowFlake Obsidian
VFMCH Dancing Goat Garden Seagal 2*P
Blackberry's BH Speedster
Blackberry's UD Blue Eyed Karen
Blackberry's BP Blue Valor Plum
Blackberry's DP Willow Lane
Urban Acres Memphis
These Does will be bred to a Mini Buck or Ai'd to a mini Buck
Wooden-Bridge Pigman's Legacy
Argonne's Mud Pie
Urban Acres Polaris ( ai Breeding )