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Our journey started in 2006. We learned how food can make a huge impact on our health. Its not about how many calories you eat, how much sugar you add to your coffee, how much fat you have on your steak or what supplements you take. Its beyond that. Health thrives on natural unprocessed food. We just needed to get back to basics with natural whole foods.

       As a family, we avoided eggs and anything made with eggs for 6 years along with dairy products. In 2012 we started working with a doctor Lita Lee ( and she suggested we try eggs from chickens that were fed organic, non gmo feed without soy or corn. Soy and corn are high in bad fats and are usually grown with GMO seeds (even if they are organic). Since it was nearly impossible to find eggs from chickens that were soy and corn free we decided to take matters into our own hands and raise our own chickens for eggs and goats for milk. 

       We have found a few feed companies that understand this importance and have answered to this growing demand of a more natural feed for livestock. Scratch and Peck and Modesto mills are livestock mills that we are currently supporting. Our chickens. goats, pigs, llamas, and rabbits also get fresh fodder and greens, fruit and veggie scraps from the garden and farmers market. We have also found an excellent source of rolled barley, spent grain, chick peas and black eyed peas. We pay special attention that all of our feed is non gmo and because of this we feel our animals are happier and healthier which makes us happier and healthier.

       We are currently raising chicken for eggs (hatching and eating) and meat, goats for milk (cheese, yogurt, ice cream, soap, kefir, more ice cream), pigs for meat and breed preservation, rabbits for wool and meat, turkeys for meat, Great Pyrenees livestock guardian dogs, Llamas (guardians), bees for honey and Button Quail. 

       Our little farm is located in beautiful sunny Valley Center San Deigo. Future plans for us are fruit trees, hugelkulture, soil amendment, and  aquaponics, . Continue learning and growing, that's what makes life fun!

Health to all!!!!!!






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